Monday, February 4, 2013

Still Alive!!

Hey family! 
Well... I can´t believe that a week has come and gone since last Monday.  This week has seemed like an eternity!!!! But it is not because I am unhappy it is just because so much has happened!  Monday I got the call saying I had transfers and not only transfers... But I am going to train a new Hermana!!!! Ahhhhhh was that a shock!  But I went and was in a trio for three days and it was like vacations from being a missionary!  It was so much fun and I guess that is why the mission has us leave in two and two and not three and three because it was a party those three days!  We had so much fun and took so many pictures!  On Tuesday we went to our district meeting all matching.  It was pretty funny.  Sydney Schlosser has a lot of big floral dresses from the 90s and they are pretty funny!  We even had matching hair.  Everyone on the buses that we took to get to the chapel was a little confused but we had a lot of fun.  It was a good stress reliever before we all got our new companions. 
The Temple in Guayaquil!  
On Wednesday morning we all got to go to the temple!  That was a nice surprise but the bad thing was I didn´t have my recommend because the assistants didn´t tell us what we were going to do.  And Duran is about a thirty minute taxi ride from where Hermana Schlosser´s sector was. We all freaked out when we got the news Tuesday night and we begged the assistants to give us permission to get our recommends.  And guess what... They gave us permission!!!! (It´s a good thing we are all pretty cute missionaries because I don´t think they did the same thing for the elders) So the Temple was awesome and after we went to the Temple we had a conference with the President. 

Fotos del nuevo grupo y sus entrenadores.
The new missionaries and their companions!
I am on the front row on the left, my companion is in the green blouse beside me.

The conference was nice and five new sisters came to the mission and lots of elders.  I don´t remember how many... Hopefully you all got the picture.  Three Americans came to the mission and no I am not training them I am training a sister from Argentina!  She is awesome she is from the city Comodoro Rivadavia and I guess it is really far south in Argentina so she is normal and likes the cold like most people do.  It is pretty funny because she is my first companion that uses the fan at night.  All of my other companions have not used the fans and say that the fans make them sick... (Which is is such a bunch of crap if you ask me.... But I am just bitter because I had to sweat my guts out every night with no fan.) 

She always says, "It´s so hot!" which makes me feel better and what is funny is I have gotten used to the heat.  She also asked me yesterday, "What´s with all the rice?"  When we left our lunch appointment.  It was pretty funny I am happy that she thinks like me.  She also likes Jack Johnson music and likes the same food as me because when we were buying our food today we realized we had a lot more in common than we thought we did.  The only downer is her accent is so strange it is actually really hard to understand her.  The only way I can explain it is.... If I didn´t know Spanish I would think she was speaking French.  In Argentina they speak pretty funky Spanish. Well I guess it is just weird to me because I have gotten use to the Ecuadorian accent. 

It is pretty interesting teaching someone how to be a missionary.  She is familiar with the rules... But living them is a completely different story. The mornings are kind of hard and I forgot how I was in the mornings when I first started my mission... She also asks what we do when our appointments fall through and when I tell her we have to contact she looks like she is about to cry... Sorry... She is getting better but I am surprised at the things that I am saying to these people... My Spanish has improved so much! 

I have been so blessed.  I really feel the power of the Spirit in our lessons and I am teaching these lessons alone and things are going well.. I can´t wait till my companion has more confidence and can speak a little bit more... She is really shy and isn´t very confident... When we are teaching I have to say...."and now my companion wants to share her testimony..." or "Now my companion wants to tell you about prophets" She won´t speak unless I give her an introduction... So we are working on it. I have gained a whole bunch of respect for my old trainer who had to work with me who knew ZERO Spanish and was terribly shy and nervous the first two months of my mission.  

My time on the computer is running out... I love you all so much but as I was reading Preach My Gospel today I found a little something that made me cry pretty hard. 
"You have the power and the authority to preach the gospel.  If you hold the priesthood, you have the authority to administer the ordinances thereof.  As you prayerfully and worthily exercise that authority you will receive spiritual power, which is evidence of the reality of your call.  Do not be afraid or shy about fulfilling this commission.  Just as the sons of Mosiah, you are to teach with the power and authority of God." I don´t know what happened but this week the Lord has blessed me so much... I understand everything that is being said and I can respond to everything! I can teach the lessons but not only teach them but I can explain them and ask questions that actually make the investigators think about our gospel message.  I am so happy and I can´t believe how well things have been going.  We are still alive and she hasn´t said she wants to go home yet :) So that is a good thing!  haha 

Well I know that this church is true and we are reaping the fruits of our labors we have three baptisms scheduled this Saturday and I am so happy.  These people are amazing and are really going to be strong converts in the Gospel.  I am happy to be here and I am really progressing in ways that I never thought were possible.  The missionary that I always wanted to be in finally appearing.  It has taken me long enough but I know that the wait was worth it.  Love you all more than I miss you!  

Love Hermana Welch #1

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